So I have been waiting for a package from
Etsy that I ordered on the 16
th. I have been checking the mail because I ordered some jewelry findings for my new endeavor on
Etsy and I am really anxious to get started on the designing. Usually sellers are pretty fast with filling the order and shipping the items. Although every once in a while it may take a little longer than expected. So I have been patient and decided not to contact the seller just yet. I never received a tracking number from the seller either which makes it a little annoying. When I went out to check the mail earlier there still wasn't a package for me. But on the way back to the house I spotted a small torn and battered cardboard box on the driveway behind my car. My heart stopped. I figured it was my order and that it had suffered an ill fated death by some cruel person. I imagined all the possible outcomes that could have taken place. Maybe someone stole it off of my porch, ripped it open and ran off with my goods, But not before scribbling some hateful and ridiculous remarks on the box. I had always been a little upset when I saw other people's trash on the side of
the road. But never did I think it was placed there on purpose or felt angry like I needed to get revenge. I have more important things to do. And just so you guys know, if this box of mine did get left on the side of the road. It wasn't my doing. My trash is picked up by the trash man. So it would have had to have flown out of the back of the trash truck which is definitely not in my control. I don't even spit gum on the ground! How dare this person judge me. (Needless to say, I am going to try to avoid jumping to
irrational conclusions in my own life more now) So anyway, I looked up the tracking number on the box and the address it found it was not the order I was expecting. It was a past order I
received about a week ago for my camera. What a relief! But it still doesn't take away from the issue at hand. Which is....why are people so angry? I feel badly for the person that felt the need to drive to my house and drop off the trash with a nasty note. The box smelled like a garbage truck. There is no way that my bag of trash could have made that box smell that badly. What were they thinking? And they had to have seen the big green trash can about 6 ft to the left of where they left the box. Didn't that tip them off at all? I'm glad they didn't feel the need to call me too, since my phone number is printed on the shipping lable. Oh well. I just hope that person is relieved now that they did their moral duty.
lol. And hopefully I will receive my long awaited package soon. =)